
(Sports) Female Olympic Boxers to Wear.... Skirts?
The 2012 Olympics will be the first to include Women's Boxing in it's lineup of combat sports competition.
There is already some controversy, however.
It's not about women boxers (which is now a widely accepted sport), but regarding the Amateur International Boxing Association's (AIBA) push for woman contenders to wear skirts!。
Defending the decision as a way to make the female participants to not only be distinguishable from the men, but that it also made them more “womanly” and “elegant”.
The resulting outcry stresses that not only are women completely identifiable, but costume and appearance are not necessarily a concern in this sport.
In addition, it is very unpractical.
Dialogue Example:
(Female Boxers In Skirts)Joshua and Simone are a couple. They are watching a boxing match and hear the commentators mention the new dress code for female boxers. Let's listen to their conversation.
Simone: Skirts?? Are you serious?
Joshua: 裙子有甚麼不好?
Joshua:What's wrong with skirts?
Simone: 她們是拳擊手!穿著裙子你怎麼打拳擊呢?
Simone: They're boxers! How can you wear a skirt when you're boxing?
Joshua: 啊,女性不是也在其他的運動比賽中穿裙子嗎?像是網球、花式溜冰...他們是說要女選手看起來更優雅。
Joshua: Well, don't women wear skirts in other sports? Like tennis, figure skating... they did say they want them to look more elegant.
Simone: 這對於目的是要把對手打到投降的運動真是個重要的考量。怎麼可能會自在呢?
Simone: Quite a concern for a sport who's purpose is to physically beat your opponent into submission. How can it even be comfortable?
Joshua: 真的。這會讓人因擔心裙子在打鬥之中飛起來而分神。
Joshua: True. It would be distracting to worry about your skirt flying up in the middle of a fight.
Simone: 我確定女拳擊手不會忍受這個。而且為什麼她們需要更容易辨識呢?男女身形完全不一樣!
Simone: I'm sure the women boxers won't put up with it. And why would they need to be easier to identify? Men and women have completely different bodies!
Joshua: 是的,你又對了。況且,女拳擊手還是會穿上衣。如果她們不穿的話,肯定會變得更加有趣了!
Joshua: Again, you're right. Besides, women boxers still wear tops. Now, if they didn't, it would definitely be more interesting!