上週六的拳擊激戰你鎖定了嗎 :D
再度對決的Manny Pacquiao和Timothy Bradley經過十二回合的完整賽事,結果出爐了!
Manny Pacquiao在拉斯維加斯的米高梅酒店獲得在場超過15,600的觀眾賀彩!
在開賽首回合時,Timothy以乾淨俐落的拳法和漂亮的戰術,並且甚至其中還重擊了Manny,贏得了首合回勝利,同時在這場比賽中Timothy發動了更多攻擊,但是Manny卻以速度和精準的攻擊來迎戰,Manny他應該知道他的得分是一路遙遙領先對手的。但在此時Timothy又推動最後一波全面的進攻,一個頭部碰接導致Manny眼角嚴重的撕裂,然而比賽鐘聲此時響起,Manny做出了Ali Jig的勝利姿勢。
Bobby Hunter's Scorecard: 十二回合的得分結果
Round 1.... 10-9 Bradley
Round 2.... 9-10 Pacquiao
Round 3.... 9-10 Pacquiao
Round 4.... 10-9 Bradley
Round 5.... 9-10 Pacquiao
Round 6.... 10-9 Bradley
Round 7.... 9-10 Pacquiao
Round 8.... 9-10 Pacquaio
Round 9.... 9-10 Pacquiao
Round 10.. 9-10 Pacquiao
Round 11.. 10-9 Bradley
Round 12.. 9-10 Pacquiao
Compubox Punch Stats: 打擊狀況
Pacquiao : 563 Thrown , 198 Landed , 35% Connect Rate
Bradley : 627 Thrown , 141 Landed , 22% Connect Rate
74 Votes for Pacquiao - 92.5 %
5 Votes for a Draw - 6.25 %
1 Vote for Bradley – 1.25%
Boxing media scores: 80位媒體人結果預測
Bob Sheridan (Top Rank TV) : 116-113 Pacquiao
Mario Lopez (Top Rank TV) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Boxing.com : 116-112 Pacquiao
Kevin Iole (Yahoo) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Michael Woods (The Sweet Science) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Adam Abramowitz (Saturday Night Boxing) : Pacquiao
David Griesman (Boxingscene) : 115-113 Pacquiao
Victor M Salazar (Tha Boxing Voice) : 115-113 Pacquiao
Scott Christ (Bad Left Hook) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Dan Rafael (ESPN) : 118-110 Pacquiao
Adam Canavan (Boxing Mad Magazine) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Cliff Rold (Boxingscene) : 115-113 Pacquiao
Daniel Vano (Checkhookboxing) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Mathew Mojica (The Fight Source) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Ramon Aranda (3 More Rounds) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Luis Sandoval (Boxingscene) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Alex Morris (KTC Boxing) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Barry Jones (Boxnation TV) : 117-112 Pacquiao
Mike Coppinger (USA Today) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Lance Pugmire (LA Times) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Harold Lederman (HBO TV) 116-112 Pacquiao
Phil D Jay (Worldboxingnews) : 118-111 Pacquiao
The Boxing Expert : 116-112 Pacquiao
Steve Zemach (Queensberry Rules) : 115-113 Pacquiao
Pro Boxing Fans Jake - 115-113 Pacquiao
Brian Campbell (ESPN) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Andy Paterson (Boxing Asylum) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Darren Velasco (Freelance) : 115-113 Pacquiao
Steve Lillis (Boxnation TV) : 116-113 Pacquiao
Wolfgang Schiffbauer (Sturm Promotions) : 115-113 Pacquiao
Steve Kim (Maxboxing) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Jake Donovan (Boxingscene) : 115-113 Pacquiao
Chris Mannix (Sports Illustrated) : 115-113 Pacquiao
Shaun Brown (Boxing Monthly) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Fighters Rated : 114-114 DRAW ***
Ryan Bivins (Sweetboxing) : 114-114 DRAW***
Ray Markarian (The Sweet Science) : 115-113 Pacquiao
Eric Raskin (Grantland) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Gareth A Davies (The Telegraph) : 117-111 Pacquiao
3 More Rounds : 117-111 Pacquiao
Joel Sebastianelli (ESPN Radio) : 115-113 Pacquiao
First Class Boxing : 116-113 Pacquiao
The Heavy Bag : 115-113 Pacquiao
Kasim Aslam (Global Boxing) : 115-113 Pacquiao
Kurt Ward (Boxing Asylum) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Boxing Socialist : 114-114 DRAW***
Beau Denison (Sports Page Magazine) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Ben Thompson (Fighthype) : 114-114 DRAW***
Matt Christie (Boxing News) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Kevin McRae (Bleacher Report) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Onthebeak.com : 118-111 Pacquiao
Corey Quincy (Fightersxchange) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Billy Ferguson (UK Fighthype) : 115-113 Pacquiao
Tom Gray (Ring Magazine) : 117-112 Pacquiao
John A MacDonald (Livefight) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Associated Press : 116-112 Pacquiao
Boxing Talk.com : 116-112 Pacquiao
GMA News : 116-112 Pacquiao
William Holmes (Boxing Insider) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Nigel Collins (ESPN) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Josh McDaniel (LeaveItinthering Radio) : 115-113 Pacquiao
Paul Magno (The Boxing Tribune) :116-112 Pacquiao
Ben Weisman (Boxing Asylum) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Sam Sheppard (Queensberry Rules) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Rachel Aylett (Ringnews 24) : 115-114 Pacquiao
V2 Boxing : 116-112 Pacquiao
Ciaran Shanks (The Irvine Times) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Boxscorecard ; 116-113 BRADLEY ********
Tris Dixon (Boxing News ED) : 116-113 Pacquiao
John Wharton (KCC Boxing Show) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Al Bernstein ( Boxing Channel) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Livefight.com : 116-112 Pacquiao
Danny Winterbottom (Boxing News) : 117-112 Pacquiao
John Evans (Livefight) : 118-111 Pacquiao
Ron Lewis (The Times) : 117-111 Pacquiao
Iconic Boxing : 115-113 Pacquiao
Paul Daley (TopClassBoxing) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Rob Day (RingNews 24) : 117-112 Pacquiao
Lem Sattersfield (Ring Magazine) 114-114 DRAW***
Matt Podgorski (Pod Index) : 116-112 Pacquiao
Boxing united, almost, in opinion that Manny Pacquiao deserved his rematch win over Timothy Bradley
The judges agree this time too, writes Bobby Hunter
原文訊息 http://boxingnewsonline.net/latest/feature/boxing-united-almost-in-opinion-that-manny-pacquiao-deserved-his-rematch-win-over-timothy-bradley
MANNY PACQUIAO, cheered on by 15,601 fans at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas got revenge for the shocking verdict given to opponent Tim Bradley in June 2012 by dominating the last six rounds to gain a well deserved unanimous decision. All three judges had the fight by wide margins as Michael Pernick and Craig Metcalfe scored 116-112 and Glenn Towbridge's score of 118-110 all in favour of the new WBO welterweight champion. This time the judges got this one right, as 80 media members were polled after the fight, with only six failing to have Pacquiao the winner.
Bradley started by boxing at range in the early rounds, using the tactics that gained a huge victory in his last fight vs Marquez. The body attack looked to have been working as it was setting up the straight right hand over the top. One of these punches in the fourth clearly rocked Pacquiao. After six rounds the fight was tight, both were having success, Bradley with his body attack and dangerous right hands, Pacquiao with his multi combinations and a straight left that had Bradley losing his balance on more than one occasion.
During the mid rounds Bradley was beginning to retreat to the ropes more as Pacquaio stepped up the pressure. It looked like Bradley was looking for the one big shot to end the fight but all he was doing was throwing away rounds as Manny darted in and out of range firing punches to his body and head. Bradley was starting these rounds fast going after Pacquiao before going into his shell and letting Manny dictate the rest of the rounds. The 11th was closer as in Bradley must have known he was behind as he made a concerted effort to fight for the full three minutes of the round.
The 12th was excellent as both fighters traded close straight away, Pacquiao then used his speed to pick the better punches as he must have knew he was well ahead. Bradley then launched one final attack late in the round that resulted in a badly cut eye for Pacquiao after a head clash. The final bell sounded seconds later with Pacquiao doing a little Ali Jig to celebrate his winning performance.
Below is the scores from 80 members of the boxing media, along with punch stats, this writer's scorecard and a percentage of votes given to each boxer.